Tips for Selling Anything!

We did a webinar with the ABIA yesterday.  We covered some marketing and communication tips and best practices for your agency.  Here are some of the tips that were covered.


1. Feet on the Street still work

  • Keep yourself visible at all times. Promote your agency both internally and externally. Everyone you know should know what you do and how he or she can benefit from a relationship.

2. Be Unique and Memorable

  • Find something you do well that sets you apart and promote yourself with it. Provide something of value to each stakeholder.

3. Use the Noah’s Ark method

  • Customer needs change. Stay in front of your customer at least four times a year. Remember the 2 by 2 method – Mail twice and Call twice each year. Set up a process and let it work for you.

4. Collect relevant data continuously

  • Every touch point should create a dialog that teaches you something about your customer. Have a method of saving that information and use it for continuing the relationship.

Click here for more selling tips.


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