Has it really been 9 years?
Let me start by saying something that I have not said nearly enough over the years – Thank You. GCS would not be the company we are today if it were not for the leap of faith taken by a group of dedicated people nine years ago. I’ll never forget that first morning in Oak Hill, WV. All 40 or so of us crammed into a make-shift break room. We were training on a product that none of us had experience selling; and selling over a system that we had never dialed on before. It was so new in fact, that our attempts to dial that day were stymied because we were unable to get the new dialer to function. So, our first day of calling took place on the 11th. You know what, we actually made a few sales and felt somewhat successful. We were off and running.
Well, there have been lots of sales since then and mostly successful days. Once again, thanks to the groundwork laid nine years ago in that tiny little office in Oak Hill. Not a day goes by that I am not proud to work with each of you and be a part of this team.
Looking back at the growth and accomplishments stretches the calendar as well as the years. One feels all that was accomplished should have taken a longer period of time. However, realizing the impact we have made on our associates lives and the communities we are fortunate enough to be a part of makes it seem like just yesterday. Getting pictures from our centers in Texas, Florida, Arizona, Maine, and the others continuously reminds us of how blessed we really are.
I’m not sure what the next nine years has in store for us. But I can promise you we will continue to do all we can to evolve and grow as the industry matures. We look forward to the new opportunities to satisfy new clients, open more centers and develop our employees.
Thanks again!
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