A Strategic Start.
GCS has a Strategic Planning meeting each fall to prepare for the upcoming year. This year was no different. On Monday, November 15th, all department heads descended on Salisbury, NC for a three-day event that included a lot of hard work, brainstorming and presentations. Below is a brief description of how the meeting started, with a guest speaker, Coach Chip Hester.
The GCS management team kicked off their strategic planning meeting with a lively lecture from a guest speaker, Coach Chip Hester, head football coach at Catawba College in Salisbury, NC. Coach Hester shared some of the principles and values that he has found work in trying to mold young boys into men, while also fielding a winning program.
Hester shared nuggets of wisdom picked up from the likes of Boise State coach Chris Petersen, “Do the uncommon things with uncommon discipline and with uncommon enthusiasm” and “Be the best version of you!” He discussed the importance of relationships, not only in recruiting and coaching, but as a core tool to teaching leadership in his athletes. Hester shared “It is about relationships, about being something bigger than yourself.” He went on to explain that leaders who show they care about others attract a wider following.
Hester answered many questions from the management team that related his values to those of our GCS culture and the things we are trying to accomplish with our team in the year 2011.
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