Public vs Private in Call Center Outsourcing: David vs Goliath(s)

Public companies live in dog years.  Well, almost. Dogs age seven years per calendar year.  Public companies live FOUR, sometimes painful, quarters per calendar year.  Before starting GCS, I was a public company division President and vowed NEVER to live that life again.  Every quarter was stressed with “making numbers”, “showing growth”, “getting wins”. Dog years!!


Many of our competitors are public companies – Sykes, TTEC (TeleTech), Conduent.  We see their quarterly birthday suits revealing financial challenges and boardroom shuffles.  We hear their consultant speak, presentations on thought-leadership, socializing ideas and strategic messaging.  Slap me if I say “thought leadership”.


Why?  Because at GCS, we are a private company that practices DO leadership.  With a flat organization chart and laser-focused process, we quickly capitalize on customer demand and solving challenges.  Don’t be fooled by our size. Like the David and Goliath story (told terrifically in Malcolm Gladwell’s TEDTalk), a bigger size can be a big problem.


The Difference in Public vs Private Outsourcing Companies

There should be no differences in working with a public versus a private company.  But, there are. With a public company, their financial status is, well, public knowledge.  When negotiating with a public company, buyers can press for price reductions when record earnings are reported.  Conversely, buyers worry when their public vendor reports a loss. And, then ask for a price reduction and extended terms. Often, clients expect higher costs due to the many layers of management and overhead. With this comes more brand recognition, but less flexibility to customize.


With a private company, there is less transparency.  That’s why it’s called “private”. Buyers must rely on audited financials and vendor responses to see how stable they may be. Private companies usually have more “nimbility” to respond quickly and accept more risk.  Publics have a natural and required bureaucracy that avoids risk. In private companies, like GCS, accessibility to ownership is one of the greatest pros. Our senior leadership team and CEO WANT to be involved. We are a company where you can pick-up the phone and talk with the owner the same day, not weeks out. We look for ways to customize our services to improve your business.


The Benefits of Outsourcing with GCS

In addition to access to ownership, we guarantee “no surprises” working with GCS. Daily and cumulative KPI results and dashboard monitoring of cost provide you with running totals. You can see the value we provide. And at the end of every billing cycle, there will be no surprises.  


We specialize in staffing and management of customer service centers.  Most centers are call centers, even in these days of self-serve websites.  There is still a huge demand for friendly conversation and concise e-mails and chats. 


Recently, we deployed 60 customer service representatives at a major bank.  They acquired another bank and needed account conversion pronto.  We were up and running in two weeks.  Let’s see Goliath-BPO do that!


Our government clients like our attention to detail and obsession with meeting SLAs.  In 2018, we achieved the highest Customer Satisfaction scores in history for a client with over 8 million conversations per YEAR.  No wonder we received the #1 Contact Center in North America by Benchmark Portal.


Next Steps

Those are just two case studies from the last 140 years of GCS history.  Wait, that’s dog years! Make that twenty calendar years with every intention to serve clients at least another twenty years. 

What can we DO for you? Contact GCS today to find out.  Woof-Woof!!

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