Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Learning New Things in the Contact Center Industry


Got a problem?  Give Pepa a call.  :)  Very handsome silver toy poodle wearing headset. Got a problem? Give Pepa a call. 🙂 Very handsome silver toy poodle wearing headset.


The contact center industry is constantly changing due to the intermittent churning of technological advancements and newfound customer needs. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned pro, at some point or another, you will have to learn some new things. And enhancing your knowledge can help you become a better performer and a contact center rock star.

Start by trying out different techniques on your calls or with your processes.

Our Daily News incorporates a sales tip every day to assist you with your customer interactions but you can also lean on your own expertise to shape your presentations to be successful. You can also ask some of the top performers at your site and find out what techniques are working for them.


Never back away from a challenge.

Are you being placed on a new program? Don’t feel overwhelmed. Take advantage of the opportunity. Challenging yourself is a great way to keep your work fresh and exciting. Also, if there is something you want to work on, don’t be afraid to speak up. Even if there is not a spot right away, in the future, someone will appreciate your assertiveness.

You should always be inquisitive.

If you have questions about how or why something is done, write it down and address it with your manager. Maybe you have a better solution or maybe you can improve your own performance by understanding the ins and outs. Either way, your knowledge-seeking behavior is helping you become a better associate.

Become a valuable resource to others.

If you are constantly learning, reading and listening, eventually, you will build up a pretty substantial knowledge base. This can come in handy for those around you who need additional help. Then, you can be their source of information to help them grow and learn, as well.

At GCS, we have a lot of learning materials and resources at our sites. Seek out every opportunity to learn something new. Be an expert at what you do. Always remain curious and persistent.


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