Tired of Talking to a Robot?

Sure, machines have their place and IVR’s are getting more sophisticated. Still, who isn’t a little bit tired of talking to a machine? Not every situation can be boiled down to a “Press 4 for current balance” or “Press 5 to hear our exciting offer.” There are times when your experience with a company is better because you are able to reach a human being and explain your situation or find a solution to keep you satisfied with the company in question. Well, for those times when you just can’t reach something with a pulse, try GetHuman.com. Get Human is a great little site giving you tips, tricks and IVR paths for reaching that elusive human being located somewhere behind the IVR of many popular companies.


And while we are on the topic of making your company popular, is your business trying to improve your customer experience? Perhaps you should think about using a contact center who understands how to balance an IVR solution with a real live human representative. Solid customer service builds loyal customers. Frustrated customers tell their friends and blog your name all over the place. If you are looking for an answer to your customer care needs, here’s one – Let’s talk!


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